Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer

I haven’t been in the UK long enough to have soaked up the joy of Vic and Bob’s early days. Vic Reeves’ Big Night Out was one of the milestones of British TV comedy that was the making of them both. The other big show that was loved by many was Shooting Stars.

The two guys turned up at the studio where the shoot was to take place. The story was under the banner 25 years of Vic and Bob, although the 25th anniversary was delayed due to illness so it was more like a 27 year anniversary, but who celebrates that. So, we took two away from 27 and made it 25 again. Yeah! Let’s celebrate!!!! Bob was the subdued, slightly quiet half of the duo. The one in the background sorting out his car insurance between setups and quietly and modestly partaking where he had to during the shoot. Vic however brought fireworks and set them all off, in his pants. He jumped off furniture like a teenager and pulled faces like someone with botox could only dream of. I may not have been there back in the days when their names were shining in bright lights, but I sure got a good dose of Vic and Bob in 2016 and I liked it….