Coco Khan

January is here and many of us are thinking of self improvement and how we can take better care of ourselves.  Coco Khan wrote an article touching on a few things that she’s tried out.  Ice bath has fast become a trend.  Not only is it a thing the sports stars use to reduce injuries, but it’s now proven to be good for us mere mortals too.  It’s even supposed to be good to fight Dementia.  I have the for the last two years got into cold water swimming too, and it really does make a difference.  I don’t get colds very often anymore, and I feel sharper and happier.  It is one of the things I miss the most when I find myself in lockdown.  A cold shower or cold bath is all very well, but it’s not the same as submerging your whole body in 4 degrees water and going for a swim.  

So - I went out and bought 20 bags of ice to illustrate Coco Khan having an ice bath.  

Coco also talked about Sage smoking, so I had to get a few bags of sage in too.  4 firearms, (smoke in all rooms in the building as it had seeped through the cracks in the floorboards,) and a stressed out studio assistant later, we finally got the shot.  

Lastly, it was the UV light mask that should help with skin and ageing…. 

Mix them all together and no doubt you will live forever!  Or at the very least survive January 2021.

Shot for The Guardian Weekend Magazine