Eddie Izzard

Whether you like Eddie Izzard or not is not the issue, but how one cannot admire Eddie is beyond my comprehension.  For many, coming out as a cross dresser may be a struggle big enough in itself to call a life struggle, but for Eddie this is just one of many battles he has won.  In fact, I’m not even sure he ever considered it a battle or an issue in the first place.
So where does one start with Eddie?  I suppose I first heard of him as a comedian, and this is where he first made his name. A rambling, stream of consciousness style of comedy that’s won him awards and made him a big success in the UK as well as abroad, especially USA.
Then there is the acting.  Having acted in films such as Ocean’s Twelve, Ocean’s Thirteen, The Chronicles of Narnia, Valkyre and more puts him in the company of a-listers.
We could stop there and think that this is a man who has achieved a lot in his life.  A retirement after such achievements would with almost 100% certainty give his house a blue placard “Eddie Izzard lived here” when he eventually leaves us for good, (which will surely be at a world record age of 123 years old knowing his stamina).  No – this just isn’t good enough for Eddie – at the age of 47, with only 5 weeks training and no significant prior history of running, Eddie completes the task of running 43 marathons in 51 days for Sports Relief.  An amazing achievement in anyone’s book. 
This year Eddie started his world tour entitled Force Majeure which will run through to 2014.  Many comedians complete a ‘World Tour’ but Eddie is including foreign speaking countries like France – where he amongst other locations performed in front of a full house (2000 Parisians) in French – and KICKED ASS!!!
Not only is he the first non-native speaker to complete a tour of France in French, but he has done so with no prior knowledge of French apart from what he deliberately set out to learn the last couple of years.  The tour will continue to all continents, 25 different countries, and he now claims that Spanish and German are the next on his list…
 ‘What next’ – I hear you say?  For most people that would be more than two life times worth of achievements – but for Eddie???  No – we can now look forward to him running for London Mayor in 2015.  There may be some that do not agree with some of his political views, some that feel that a cross dresser or a comedian cannot represent London but I think I think I speak for most of us when I say:  A man who can achieve so much for himself can only be good for London.  Imagine where London can be with Eddie behind the steering wheel.  Roll over Ken!  Roll over Boris! Here comes Eddie!!!